Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Awesome: Don't trust sperm banks, sperm donors, or your child's future sex partners

Or, so this New York Times article suggests.  From the publication that has brought us inspirational articles on how the Israeli government supports artificial fertility in a way American culture emphatically does not, and how all these ladies lucked out and didn't have to use lame-o donor sperm at all:

“They think their daughter may have a few siblings,” Ms. Kramer said, “but then they go on our site and find out their daughter actually has 18 brothers and sisters. They’re freaked out. I’m amazed that these groups keep growing and growing.”

The article explains that some donors have been found to have as many at 150 children.  I say that, having been in the midst of a new round of donor-shopping before stopping by the Confessions of a Cryokid blog for a broader perspective.

FUCK perspective.  I don't want to hear about this shit.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

"They don't just do it when's something wrong, goofball!"

I started my period this morning and had a flash of anxiety till I realized that it was just me, and that Heather's allowed to get hers, too.  No tears!

The last time I posted, I was waiting to hear from Heather's doctor's assistant, Ashley.  (Right, because we've got another doctor, and there are new receptionists and assistants, radiologists and techs, all of whom have names that we probably don't need to remember since we'll probably be on to the next doctor, with her assistants and receptionists and specialists, in a few weeks.)  Ashley'd called Heather, I'd called her, then...  I'm not totally sure, but I know I ended up finally talking to her, asking what kind of follow-up we needed to do after Heather's preliminary HSG results.

Ashley, to be honest, seemed a little startled by my question (which is pretty ridiculous since I'd left her two voicemail messages which asked exactly that).  She said that the test results looked good.

Goddamn it, Ashley!

Friday, September 2, 2011

I know you hear me calling you

I thought this morning about our last insemination.  Or, rather, I thought about it failing.