Thursday, May 30, 2013

(Over-30) baby-mama drama

So First Response, a company which profits from the pee of emotional women, is conducting an awareness campaign in Britain to alert women that their fertility will nosedive after 35.  "Better get crackin'" is the unofficial slogan, I believe.

The article I read came from Bust magazine, one of the best things in the whole world, and the author writes

Get Britain Fertile has already begun courting controversy ahead of its June 3rd launch date. Most notably, it's irked Think Progress writer Aviva Shen.  Shen has a very strong stance against the campaign:
“First Response has decided the solution to the trend of women waiting longer to have children is to criticize them, prey on their fears of ageing, and exploit social disgust for even moderately sexual old women,” Shen writes. She argues the campaign does not tackle the “real fiscal issues young women explicitly say are keeping them from having children earlier.”

And that's totally fucking true.

The author in Bust, Melissa Coci, disagrees, commenting,

Personally, I think any discussion that involves scientific facts about female fertility should be welcomed – I’m talking about cold, hard biological facts. This type of knowledge could allow females to know what to expect from their bodies at all ages, and better prepare them for the challenges that come with conceiving babies. Time will tell if the ‘Get Britain Fertile’ campaign will act as a “knowledge is power” tool or face the backlash of older mamas who don't appreciate the "shaming." 

I heart Bust, but I think the Ms. Coci is hardcore wrong on this, in part because I feel implicated in the "older mamas" characterization.  I'm not one, but I fought for one, and I think most women (or their partners) who struggled to conceive after 35 have heard that same goddamn information enough.  Those are the same women who have had First Response products scattered across their bathrooms, with lined up pregnancy tests, ovulation kits, and pastel wrappers from both.

So to what end, this campaign?  Do they just want more women to get pregnant?  Do they feel bad for all their customers?  Do they think that the tornado of infertility storylines on "Friends" or that Jennifer Aniston movie or that Jennifer Lopez movie or that Khloe Kardashian show has left the majority population with the conviction that women can conceive at any age?  It just seems unnecessary, at best, and insulting at worst.  

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